
Plainfield American Legion Marne Post 13


For Junior Girls

June 16-22, 2024

Eastern Illinois University

Full Scholarships from American Legion Auxiliary Post 13


Want to have a whole week of fun with girls from all over Illinois at a college campus far from home?  This is your opportunity!     

American Legion Auxiliary Illinois Girls State is a simulated government program using Illinois government as a template.  Approximately 500 Illinois high school junior girls, upon arrival at Eastern Illinois University, become citizens of cities within counties.  Two political parties campaign for offices, elect officials, then assume the duties of State officials.  Residency is within campus dorms.  Our goal is to provide awareness of the responsibilities, rights and privileges of being American citizens while participating in the functional government.

Applicants must currently be in their junior year of high school or the home school equivalent.

There is an application that must be filled out, approved by a high school counselor, and returned to the local American Legion Auxiliary Unit. Contact info is shown below for questions or to obtain an application for attendance.


Contact Information

Your questions may be directed to:

Cheryl Manno, Unit President

815 600-5617, cherylmanno@yahoo.com


American Legion Auxiliary

Marne Post #13

24742 W. Renwick Rd.

Plainfield, IL 69544



Visit website https://www.alaigs.org


Selection Criteria